Ceat Tyres will be investing Rs 400 crore in a tyre plant in Butibori, Nagpur. At a function in Butibori, Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis laid the cornerstone for the plant that will be set up in three phases. In the first phase (2014- 2016), Rs 400 crore will be invested.
The completion of the phase one of the plant and the first tyre rollout from the plant is anticipated by April 2016. This tyre plant will be spread across 60 acres of land and is expected to manufacture 1.2 million tyres.
Anant Goenka, Managing Director, Ceat Ltd. said, “With this plant we are looking to double our capacities within two years. This will give us the added impetus to increase our market share. We are thankful to the Maharashtra Government for the support given to Ceat. Butibori gives us great advantage of reduced logistics cost and a plant in a central location. In addition to that MIDC will support us by providing a great ecosystem and infrastructure for the manufacturing facility.”
The new plant will manufacture two and three wheeler tyres. The production process will have the certification of ISO 14001 for environment management system and OHSAS 18001 for safety, health and environment. The new plant will have highly automated manufacturing machinery chosen from the world market. The two wheeler production volumes are expected to double in the next two years owing to the capacity.
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